Monday, September 7, 2009

Students for a Sustainable Campus

Come to the first meeting of Students for a Sustainable Campus (SF/SC), Tuesday, September 15th 10:15 pm, in the Commons Gatehouse! We'll be discussing how SF/SC should be structured and what projects SF/SC will take on in the coming academic year. Here are a few ideas VP Johanna and I have been bouncing around: founding a Sustainability Scholarship for a returning student who makes his or her practice more sustainable, launching a campus-wide student-faculty-staff sustainability pledge, establishing a bike share, and, most importantly, investigating cleaner energy options for MICA and then developing a project to bring cleaner energy to campus this year. Everyone will be free to share any sustainability-related ideas, plans and schemes they have hatched over the summer!

Hope to see you on the 15th! Until then, check out SF/SC's blog.
